jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

A trip worth taking: 'The way of St James' (Part 2)

What should I take?
The boots: the most important item you need. You must have well fitting leather boots. Keep in mind that you are going to walk approximately 1,500,000 foot steps.

Boots, walking sticks and Pilgrim Id: musts
The backpack: the weight of it should be more or less as 10% of your body weight. Be sure to have a good backpack, adjustable to your hips so as the weight isn't on your shoulders.

Essential packing list:
Rain gear
Earplugs, you will appreciate them when sleeping in hostels
Small torch
Swiss army knife
Mosquito spray

The best times to walk to Santiago are in spring and in autumn. In winter is too cold and in summer not only it is too hot but also most of people are on holiday so they walk during these months and the hostels are pretty packed.

Can I get lost while walking?
You shouldn't, you can buy maps and books with indications in lots of shops along the road, also there are yellow narrows indicating the way everywhere. Furthermore, the towns are really close among each other and there are always people willing to give you directions.

What is the Pilgrims Passport?
The Pilgrims Passport is the ''pilgrims id''. You can get it in the city where you start walking. Pamplona, Roncesvalles and St Jean Pied de Port are the main centers where these passports are issued. During the walk you have to ask for stamps in your passport that will show that you meet the requisites to get the ''Compostelana''' (the certificate that shows that you conclude the ''Camino de Santiago'').

Albergue Itzandegia, Roncesvalles
Where to sleep
Dozens of 'albergues' are found along the way. These are hostels just for pilgrims,
that's why you need to show your Pilgrims Passport to stay here.
The facilities vary greatly. Some of them are warm and cozy but some are old school buildings.
Some have washing machines, but mostly you will have to wash by hand. Most of them have hot
showers, kitchens and internet connection.
They are really affordable, their prices vary from 3€ to 10€ per night.
Although albergues' rules vary from one to another, in all of them Pilgrims are allowed to stay just one night. It is useful to know that the closer you are to Santiago, the busier the Albergues. For a complete list of accomodations visit: http://www.jacobeo.net/

Whatever your reasons are, or whathever you are looking for, put your boots on and start walking this one-in-a-lifetime trip!

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